The original soundtrack for DREAM HORSE has been released by Decca Records on all major streaming/download services:
“thoughtful scoring by composer Benjamin Woodgates that sounds a little different – drier and more experimental – from the usual rousing orchestral manipulation you hear in Hollywood films” – The Hollywood Reporter
“engaging original score” – Variety
“see if for the soundtrack alone” – The Afternoon Show, BBC Radio Scotland
“the score is terrific” –
“the heartstring tugging score of Benjamin Woodgates perfectly accentuates the drama” – LATF USA
“the equally outstanding score from composer Benjamin Woodgates become[s] unseen characters, lifting the production from a standard breezy UK-based (and sports) crowd-pleaser into something far more moving and resonant.” – The Epoch Times
“[la] musique signée Benjamin Woodgates nous donnent envie de chanter des tubes dans un pub gallois, bras dessus, bras dessous avec des copains” – Femme Actuelle